Monday, March 7, 2011

The most hilarious film ever

"SNATCH."  this film is guaranteed to have you dying with laughter or straight flat lined. . i must have watched it three times this weekend, i saw it years ago and fell off my chair back then.   it's a great date night movie, or get together with your buddies movie.  written and directed by madonna's ex husband, guy ritchie. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The perfect Woman

in this day and age of extreme airbrush and photo shop, where a single pore, speck or wrinkle can't be detected, it's nice to know there are women who appear perfect but in reality are like the every day woman.  now some of these women might have severe cellulite, but it sends a good message in a way: that no matter what we look like, we shouldn't be ashamed to enjoy the sun in a bathing suit or afraid to show some skin.  now granted some people might hurl at the sight of unsightly body flaws, but it shouldn't stop any woman from being care free. the only opinion that ultimately matters is yours.
 tara reid also showing her bad abdominal liposuction
 beyonce knowles in racy stage costume
misha barton 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Men are cheaters. It is in their nature.  yeah, yeah,  not all men cheat but i guarantee you that men who don't cheat  look like the nerd at your recent high school reunion, or the guy with no confidence or a stay at home dad who is  basically confined in his home until the wife unchains him from the chair.  Let's face it ladies, if you aren't around your man twenty four seven, and by twenty four seven, i mean every minute of the hour of the day of the week, then yes you should pray he has enough sense not stray with that pretty young thang he was just checking out.  Now don't get us wrong, there are good  men out there with values and morals, yet, even those type of men are just as likely to be unfaithful as the ***hole of the year like cheetah Woods or Jesse James.  I subscribe to the philosophy that if you think positive, you attract positive, so if you think you're going to be with  a man who won't cheat on you and who will be faithful then the Universe will grant you your wish.  BUT, to put it quite simply, the reality and the dynamics of relationships sucks.

Some Famous Womanizers

Actor Omar Epps who cheated on the mother of his children with Sanaa or was it the other way around? As it was reported at the time, this saga seemed to go back and forth, but Omar left Sanna after three years of couple dome and after cheating on her with the mother of his child.  He eventually married Keisha from R&B group Total, and the mother of his two children in 2006.  too bad... he makes a good looking couple with both women.

If my significant other had issues with peeing in his pants while on stage performing, ummm...let's just say infidelity would be the least of our problems.   But that still doesn't give hunky actor Josh Duhamel the right to publicly disgrace his wife, Fergie, of  The Black Eyed Peas with a stripper in Atlanta.   The stripper, Nicole Forrester, also had access to Josh's credit card and was able to pass a lie detector test  to prove the affair took place. 

Sean Penn, the veteran actor who couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself when he was dating Madonna in the 80's.  The story goes that Mr. Penn had a very public affair with actress Natalie Portman, who played in one of the best movies of the year, Black Swan, IMO.  Soon after, he and wife Robin Wright separated.  Many were left wondering if the affair had been going on during the marriage.  Robin Wright and Sean Penn eventually divorced  while Sean moved on to model, Jessica White.  Sean and Jessica are no longer dating.  One thing's for sure, Penn knows how to pick beautiful women.

Now fellas, don't worry, this is not a male bashing fest.  Women also share the blame in scandalous relationships and  we will definitely report on stay tuned...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Carlos Irwin Estevez vs. Chris Brown

  • Notorious for his recurrent battles with drugs, alcohol, and whores, Charlie Sheen was  the subject of negative publicity when he served as the star witness in the 1995 trial of Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. He confessed to spending an excess of $50,000 to purchase sexual services from 27 different prostitutes.

  • Before marrying John Travolta, Kelly Preston dated and lived with Charlie Sheen from 1989-1990. Shortly after he gave her an engagement ring she was  shot in the arm in their apartment by Charlie. Shortly after, he dumped Kelly for a porn star.  Still to today, Kelly hasn't spoken about the incident
  • Sheen was charged with second-degree assault after beating the breaks off his ex wife Brooke Mueller.  He was released after a short stint in jail and posting bond.

  • Brittany Ashland filed her lawsuit against Sheen Feb. 6, 1997, claiming that on Dec. 20, 1996, Sheen grabbed her by the hair and slammed her onto the marble floor of his Agoura Hills home, knocking her unconscious and splitting her lip so badly that she required seven stitches.  The suit also claimed that Sheen forced her to strip off and dispose of her bloody clothes, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the assault. The suit charged the actor with assault, battery, negligence, false imprisonment and emotional distress and asked for unspecified damages

  • Charlie Sheen violated his parole in 1998 after he was turned in by none other than his father, actor Martin Sheen , for a cocaine overdose. He was ordered to undergo a drug rehabilitation program.

  • Charlie Sheen was arrested Dec. 25 after Brooke Mueller Sheen called 911 during a fight that began when she said she wanted a divorce. She told police the actor pinned her on a bed, put a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her saying "You better be in fear. If you tell anybody, I'll kill you."


  • Chris Brown- assaulted Rhianna in a vehicle after attending  the  Grammy Awards.  Rhianna's bruises was subsequently released and new pictures have recently surfaced after Rihanna lifted the year long restraining order

Now tally up the number of bullets, no pun intended, for Sheen and tally up the number of bullets for Chris.  as the saying goes, numbers don't lie.  Call it what you want, white male privilege, profits for t.v networks over Sheen's publicity, etc... but it doesn't make the crucifixion of Chris Brown right.  Chris was young, and still young, he made a horrible mistake, no man should ever put his hands on a woman, but Charlie Carlos Irwin Estevez Sheen is a fifty year old man who continues to abuse women and who displays sociopathic characteristics yet is forgiven time and time again by society, media, and his employers.  In fact, Charlie's behavior is outright ignored after a few weeks of negative publicity.  And the more negative, the more income, acting opportunities, and notoriety he gets....while Chris continues to be publicly lynched.  When will the double standards end?

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    The real Happy Meal

     the best type of  Asian entree besides Taiwan ginger chicken, or ginger shrimp & white rice along with ginger rice soup.  so next time you're starving, head on over to your local sushi delicacy.  it not only looks good, it tastes good and it's a good dose of  healthy!  if your located in the tri state area then Sushi Palace in NJ and Sushi Samba in NY are guaranteed smiley faces and mmm,mmm,good euphoria.

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    everybody's favorite topic

    LOVE. so many people talk about it, so many people live it, so many people want it, so many people don't know what to do without it. love can sometimes be like that universal t.v remote control that never seems to work even though it say's universal. love is complicated. feelings change, feelings grow. at times the saddest thing between two people is that they will never be together(the saddest thing between you and me is that you and me will never be), or can never be together, love,love,love, to love or not to love, that is the question or is that the answer?

    Top Ten Best Love Movies Of All Time

    1. dr. zhivago- Dr. who? i know, same thing i said. but you tube it, google it, watch it!  it makes the notebook look like dude, where's my car.   without giving away too much, basically, a man is caught between his wife, his mistress, and his poems

    2. love and basketball- a modern flick.   it makes you shed a tear during the one on one i'll play you for your "heart" scene. 

    3.  the notebook- sad.  even sadder is that  rachel and ryan tried and tried and tried in real life  but it just wasn't meant to be.

    4.  the bodyguard- don't act like you didn't watch that movie when it first came out or that you didn't try to hit those i'll always love you notes in the shower.  first of all, props to whitney for doing an above average job for her very first motion picture unlike a certain somebody named seabiscuit who still can not act after three films and the comedy that is known as obsessed.  yes i said comedy. second, it's the bodyguard! beautiful ballads, kevin costner during his A status career, plus him and whitney  had chemistry.

    5.  missisippi masala- try saying that ten times.  denzel washington stars in a real portrayal of mixing culture and love.

    6.  revolutionary road- what would you do for love?  would you sacrifice for love? would you make the best decision versus what's the right decision? because this movie lets you know there is a difference.

    7.  an officer and a gentleman-  maybe not now, or maybe still to today depending on your personality, but it has the stand by your man, silent turmoiled man and his ever patient woman thing going on and guaranteed to tug on your heart strings.

    8. hitch- humor, romance, conflict,-betrayal- misunderstanding- the makings of a great love story.

    9. brokeback mountain - no comment

    10. crouching tiger hidden dragon-  back to where we started, "the saddest thing between you and me is that you and me will never be"

    Need More Proof????

    this sends all kinds of false subliminal messages to african american women - this is what you have to tranform into to be considered beautiful or attractive.

    Treatment and Management of Bunions

    every woman's worst nightmare. Bunions!

    first let me begin by saying, if you have moderate to medium bunions, stop wearing high heel shoes. a modest 11/2 or 2 inches is appropriate for bunion plagued feet. remember that bunions do grow. therefore, you can minimize growth by wearing wide toe shoe boxes(yes, Payless Shoes is your friend whether you like it or not) that gives your feet enough toe box room.

    here are some tips to relieve the pain:
    • soak your feet in a bowl of hot/warm or cold water. if your bunion is inflamed, use a cold pack wrapped in a towel to relieve pain.
    • wear bunion splints at night time or during the day if you're lounging around the house. bunion splints help to keep your big toe in alignment so that the bunion is not compressing nerves or blood vessels which will ultimately cause more pain if not corrected.
    • another pain relieving method includes toe exercises-this can be achieved by placing a thick rubber band only around your two big toes and move them back and forth. this may help strengthen weak  muscles that cause the base of  your 1st metatarsal(big toe) to protrude laterally or out of alignment as well as relieve pressure or compression on nerves.
    some alternative medicine to help reduce the size of bunions without surgery:
    • Zheng Gui Shui: This ancient Chinese analgesic lotion also acts as a pain reliever. place a generous amount of this liquid on your bunions 3x a day and let dry before placing socks or shoes on. this product costs anywhere between $8 to $20 depending on size and can be ordered from any herbal websites or online retailers like Amazon. *note* a good site( unlike others that WILL take your money but WON'T deliver the product)is
    •  Physical Therapy: most people afflicted with bunions don't know that you can seek the services of a physical therapist for deep massages, and ultrasound therapy-if this is you, -it's time to bring out that phone book you carelessly tossed to the corner and skim through listings of all your local PT clinics.
    • Acupuncture:  It is theorized that bunions result from spleen and sugar defects.  the spleen meridians, sp1, sp2, and sp3  are located where bunions reside. acupuncture allows for proper blood flow, pain relief, and strengthening of weak toe muscles. again, look through your phone book for a local acupuncturist.
    • Massage Therapy: nothing like a good foot massage to relieve aches and pain.  massage therapy allows for temporary relief of pressure and any contracture-shortening of muscles- that may occur as a result of  bunion deformity.
    and last but not least, the dreaded surgery.  Most physicians would not recommend getting a surgical procedure unless your bunions look like this:
    in which case, you should contact your physician or seek a specialist immediately such as a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon. an Austin Bunionectomy clip below: *warning*graphic

    ...the last thing a woman needs is painful, deformed feet.  these are a  few tips to contain and treat bunion growth before it gets worse and you end up with feet looking like this poor victim above.

    Skin Bleaching

    skin bleaching,  liposuction, breast implants, nose jobs, blonde wigs, lip fillers........

    nightmare on Elm Street?


    do not proceed to alter your face if this is the end result.

    did you know

    • Soak feet in a bowl of warm water for fifteen minutes each day with green or black tea  placed inside to remove odor of chronic smelly, sweaty toes until issue resolves. you'll notice the difference in two weeks. 
    • Eucerine lotion removes wrinkles.  place Eurice on wrinkle overnight, everyday for the next two weeks and you will see reduction of wrinkles. it works better than any anti-aging cream

    •  blueberry yougurt, cranberry juice, and pineapples fights bacteria that causes UTI's urinary tract infections in women.
    • best natural nail polish  that gives a salon professional finish is Sally Hansen Acrylic gel & Nylon pink nail polish.

    • wash hair everyday with Irish Spring Aloe Vera bar soap. it must be the bar soap and it must contain aloe vera.  after a month, your hair will grow exponentially.  this works for all types of hair, i.e, dry, afrocentric, caucasian, oily, thin, thick, healthy, unhealty, etc..