Sunday, February 27, 2011


Men are cheaters. It is in their nature.  yeah, yeah,  not all men cheat but i guarantee you that men who don't cheat  look like the nerd at your recent high school reunion, or the guy with no confidence or a stay at home dad who is  basically confined in his home until the wife unchains him from the chair.  Let's face it ladies, if you aren't around your man twenty four seven, and by twenty four seven, i mean every minute of the hour of the day of the week, then yes you should pray he has enough sense not stray with that pretty young thang he was just checking out.  Now don't get us wrong, there are good  men out there with values and morals, yet, even those type of men are just as likely to be unfaithful as the ***hole of the year like cheetah Woods or Jesse James.  I subscribe to the philosophy that if you think positive, you attract positive, so if you think you're going to be with  a man who won't cheat on you and who will be faithful then the Universe will grant you your wish.  BUT, to put it quite simply, the reality and the dynamics of relationships sucks.

Some Famous Womanizers

Actor Omar Epps who cheated on the mother of his children with Sanaa or was it the other way around? As it was reported at the time, this saga seemed to go back and forth, but Omar left Sanna after three years of couple dome and after cheating on her with the mother of his child.  He eventually married Keisha from R&B group Total, and the mother of his two children in 2006.  too bad... he makes a good looking couple with both women.

If my significant other had issues with peeing in his pants while on stage performing, ummm...let's just say infidelity would be the least of our problems.   But that still doesn't give hunky actor Josh Duhamel the right to publicly disgrace his wife, Fergie, of  The Black Eyed Peas with a stripper in Atlanta.   The stripper, Nicole Forrester, also had access to Josh's credit card and was able to pass a lie detector test  to prove the affair took place. 

Sean Penn, the veteran actor who couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself when he was dating Madonna in the 80's.  The story goes that Mr. Penn had a very public affair with actress Natalie Portman, who played in one of the best movies of the year, Black Swan, IMO.  Soon after, he and wife Robin Wright separated.  Many were left wondering if the affair had been going on during the marriage.  Robin Wright and Sean Penn eventually divorced  while Sean moved on to model, Jessica White.  Sean and Jessica are no longer dating.  One thing's for sure, Penn knows how to pick beautiful women.

Now fellas, don't worry, this is not a male bashing fest.  Women also share the blame in scandalous relationships and  we will definitely report on stay tuned...