Sunday, February 20, 2011

Treatment and Management of Bunions

every woman's worst nightmare. Bunions!

first let me begin by saying, if you have moderate to medium bunions, stop wearing high heel shoes. a modest 11/2 or 2 inches is appropriate for bunion plagued feet. remember that bunions do grow. therefore, you can minimize growth by wearing wide toe shoe boxes(yes, Payless Shoes is your friend whether you like it or not) that gives your feet enough toe box room.

here are some tips to relieve the pain:
  • soak your feet in a bowl of hot/warm or cold water. if your bunion is inflamed, use a cold pack wrapped in a towel to relieve pain.
  • wear bunion splints at night time or during the day if you're lounging around the house. bunion splints help to keep your big toe in alignment so that the bunion is not compressing nerves or blood vessels which will ultimately cause more pain if not corrected.
  • another pain relieving method includes toe exercises-this can be achieved by placing a thick rubber band only around your two big toes and move them back and forth. this may help strengthen weak  muscles that cause the base of  your 1st metatarsal(big toe) to protrude laterally or out of alignment as well as relieve pressure or compression on nerves.
some alternative medicine to help reduce the size of bunions without surgery:
  • Zheng Gui Shui: This ancient Chinese analgesic lotion also acts as a pain reliever. place a generous amount of this liquid on your bunions 3x a day and let dry before placing socks or shoes on. this product costs anywhere between $8 to $20 depending on size and can be ordered from any herbal websites or online retailers like Amazon. *note* a good site( unlike others that WILL take your money but WON'T deliver the product)is
  •  Physical Therapy: most people afflicted with bunions don't know that you can seek the services of a physical therapist for deep massages, and ultrasound therapy-if this is you, -it's time to bring out that phone book you carelessly tossed to the corner and skim through listings of all your local PT clinics.
  • Acupuncture:  It is theorized that bunions result from spleen and sugar defects.  the spleen meridians, sp1, sp2, and sp3  are located where bunions reside. acupuncture allows for proper blood flow, pain relief, and strengthening of weak toe muscles. again, look through your phone book for a local acupuncturist.
  • Massage Therapy: nothing like a good foot massage to relieve aches and pain.  massage therapy allows for temporary relief of pressure and any contracture-shortening of muscles- that may occur as a result of  bunion deformity.
and last but not least, the dreaded surgery.  Most physicians would not recommend getting a surgical procedure unless your bunions look like this:
in which case, you should contact your physician or seek a specialist immediately such as a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon. an Austin Bunionectomy clip below: *warning*graphic

...the last thing a woman needs is painful, deformed feet.  these are a  few tips to contain and treat bunion growth before it gets worse and you end up with feet looking like this poor victim above.