Sunday, February 20, 2011

everybody's favorite topic

LOVE. so many people talk about it, so many people live it, so many people want it, so many people don't know what to do without it. love can sometimes be like that universal t.v remote control that never seems to work even though it say's universal. love is complicated. feelings change, feelings grow. at times the saddest thing between two people is that they will never be together(the saddest thing between you and me is that you and me will never be), or can never be together, love,love,love, to love or not to love, that is the question or is that the answer?

Top Ten Best Love Movies Of All Time

1. dr. zhivago- Dr. who? i know, same thing i said. but you tube it, google it, watch it!  it makes the notebook look like dude, where's my car.   without giving away too much, basically, a man is caught between his wife, his mistress, and his poems

2. love and basketball- a modern flick.   it makes you shed a tear during the one on one i'll play you for your "heart" scene. 

3.  the notebook- sad.  even sadder is that  rachel and ryan tried and tried and tried in real life  but it just wasn't meant to be.

4.  the bodyguard- don't act like you didn't watch that movie when it first came out or that you didn't try to hit those i'll always love you notes in the shower.  first of all, props to whitney for doing an above average job for her very first motion picture unlike a certain somebody named seabiscuit who still can not act after three films and the comedy that is known as obsessed.  yes i said comedy. second, it's the bodyguard! beautiful ballads, kevin costner during his A status career, plus him and whitney  had chemistry.

5.  missisippi masala- try saying that ten times.  denzel washington stars in a real portrayal of mixing culture and love.

6.  revolutionary road- what would you do for love?  would you sacrifice for love? would you make the best decision versus what's the right decision? because this movie lets you know there is a difference.

7.  an officer and a gentleman-  maybe not now, or maybe still to today depending on your personality, but it has the stand by your man, silent turmoiled man and his ever patient woman thing going on and guaranteed to tug on your heart strings.

8. hitch- humor, romance, conflict,-betrayal- misunderstanding- the makings of a great love story.

9. brokeback mountain - no comment

10. crouching tiger hidden dragon-  back to where we started, "the saddest thing between you and me is that you and me will never be"